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Fun, dynamic, happy and colorful. Everything about this visually entertaining, theme park of a PSA makes you feel good. The music compliments the intention with an inspiring track; a simple, optimistic instrumental. Think Yo­Yo Ma meets U2, Coldplay ‘Clocks’, etc. Vibrant colors and creative environments that invoke a childhood nostalgia (ie. pop­up book environments or chalk board animation) drive the visual treatment. Possible environments also include: real world, live motion over 2d, live motion over 3d, comic book animation, etc. Organic transitions make this visual ride feel seamless and organic. Parkour runners and bicycle/skateboard stunt riders support the fantasy adventure theme.

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This PSA begins with our hero, a boy/girl, standing at the front of a classroom as the teacher. He/she is addressing adults and explaining the physical benefits of walking, running, riding bikes/skateboards on their lives; the positive impact on the environment and how it relates to their future and their lives. As the camera dollies in on our hero, we can see a simple illustration of what he/she is teaching on the chalkboard. Once our teacher is out of the frame, the chalk begins to animate and the music begins. The child’s voice over drives the spot as the chalk drawings animate and leap from the chalkboard to other neighborhoods, downtown LA, parks, etc.

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A variety of different animation types ensue. Everything from colored chalk drawings, to pop­up books, to live motion over vector­based 2D and 3D animations. Think an animated comic book, Sin City (but happy and colorful), old claymation x­mas specials, etc. And, the story will evolve in as many different environments... everything from walking down a neighborhood street or a parkour run along the top of downtown skyline, to a bike ride over a spinning 3D claymation earth.




Grandma is trying to bring the Shasta home in time to watch her novela with her family.  The journey follows grandma as she traverses a bustling neighborhood on her way to the store to buy the Shasta and back home.  The scene begins with a very busy kitchen as mom, her two daughters and grandma are preparing food.  The youngest daughter pours out the last of a 2 liter bottle of Shasta into her cup.  She exclaims they’ve run out of Shasta!  Grandma replies with she’ll just go and buy more.  Mom thanks grandma as she’s clearly got her hands full.  With a wry smile to the camera she darts out of the screen and out of the house.  She runs down the street, through a soccer field, flips and dodges a flying soccer ball, jumps over a wall, flips over another obstacle on the sidewalk, runs into the store.  The camera pushes in on the cans of Shasta in the display as grandma opens the door and swipes the Shasta off of the shelf.  We transition and grandma opens the door of the house.  The family is sitting in the living room in front of the TV, a blur crosses the screen and suddenly everyone has a can of Shasta in their hand.  Mom and both daughters praise grandma and turn the novela.  If time permits, one daughter kisses grandma on the cheek.  Otherwise, we end with a hero shot of grandma drinking her Shasta with the family and TV in the background watching the novela and drinking from their cans.



The camera (low angle) pushes in on mom standing at the back of her minivan.  It’s hot.  She has her baby in a stroller and her toddler at her side. The trunk of the minivan is open and loaded to the brim with a cooler, umbrella, chairs, diapers, baby food, soccer gear, etc.  A child darts across the frame as a frantic mom chases after him.  Mom looks across the field.  The camera (POV) flies across the field showing the distance, the people, flying soccer ball, etc.  It finally ends, revealing her son’s game as the match begins and the ref blows his whistle. The clock begins ticking. The time stamp appears on the screen.  The camera cuts back to her in disbelief, as she is clear she’s late.  With lightning speed, she unloads the minivan. 

A short pause as she rolls a can of Shasta across her forehead in slow motion.  She quickly puts the can back in the ice-chest full of Shasta, grabs everything and begins her mission.  She starts dragging the ice-chest behind her as she also pushes the stroller and keeps track of her toddler.  She navigates across the uneven terrain, across the field, dodges a soccer ball (possibly in slow motion and/or with an incredible physical feat a la The Matrix), through the people (could include a Trio, soccer team, kids running, excited parents, cheerleaders, etc.), another soccer ball flies straight at her and with both hands occupied she heads it back into the field (she’s awarded a small cheer from the surrounding crowd), she finally arrives at the sideline during halftime. 

The players and the fans/parents cheer as she does so.  She passes the various flavors of Shasta out with incredible speed as they fly into the player’s hands.  Low camera dolly as the players drink the Shasta (money shot.)  The players run out on the field excited as mom enjoys her own Shasta (hero shot.)